Thursday, August 7, 2008

RSS Feeds

I really like the idea of RSS feeds! It saves a lot of time searching for the current news that I'm interested in.

Monday, August 4, 2008

23 Things in General

I enjoyed 23 things! I find blogging very resourceful. After completing the program, I'm more comfortable with the current technologies and have more of an interest in using them. I'm hoping to put all of this to use in the library.

At the very beginning of the program I mapped out at plan to complete the program. Because of unforeseen circumstances, I had to work on the last few steps all at once.

Digital Media Collection

This is one of the areas that I already had knowledge of before 23things. However, I reviewed it. It's great service.


I found that Podcasts have widespread use. They are used for educational purposes, public announcements, and business conferences.

YouTube Discoveries

I found the YouTube videos are very accessible through advanced searches. Searches may be sorted by when it was uploaded and by relevancy.

The professional documents are great for patrons. Some "hard to find" ones are on this site. It also includes templates for some of the more popular forms such as leases, budgets, and wills. Documents are available in many foreign languages and in various formats (adobe, Word, PowerPoint, etc.).

Zoho Writer

I really like Zoho Writer. The portability is excellent since I use quite of few different computers throughout the day. The tool bar is quite useful and all inclusive. The e-mail button could prove to be useful especially for patrons who don't have a device to save a document.


After reading the links on the PBCLS Wiki page it appears that most of the staff is learning so much. I found it to be a little bit overwhelming to learn about so many technologies in a few weeks however I sure know how blogging works which is a great start.


Wikis would be excellent for sharing reference question with staff that required a lot of research so that the work would not have to be duplicated.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is great for collaborating with colleagues.


Looking forward to organizing blogs through Technorati.
Delicious is great for organizing frequently asked questions!